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Seminaari: BEYOND RESISTANCE short-term, and yet in-depth!- seminaari

Posted in Ajankohtaista

Last updated on 26.1.2023

Dear delegates,
Lili Phillipe and Gert Gilis, delegates from the Belgian society VVPT, would like to inform you of an upcoming international workshop near Brussels. On Wednesday, 25th of April 2018 they are organising a day-filling seminar with Allan Abbass and Patrick Luyten, two leading academics and clinicians in the field of contemporary psychoanalytic therapy. They will bring us into contact with a recently developed and most promising way of short-term psychoanalytic work.
More information and details you will find in the attached flyer.
Best Regards, Anne Sauer, EFPP Administrative Secretary
Aika: ke 25.4.2018
Paikka: Belgia, Kortenberg
» Ohjelma