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Työpaja: First International Workshop on Group Analysis with Children and Adolescents

Posted in Ajankohtaista

Last updated on 26.1.2023

First International Workshop on Group Analysis with Children and Adolescents

Dear colleagues,

We would like to inform you about the First International Workshop on Group Analysis with Children and Adolescents to be held in Berlin from 10 to 12 September 2021.

Please distribute this information!

For the past 15 years a team of group analysts working with children and adolescents has been exploring this field. They organized annual workshops on this topic and have encouraged group analysts to present their work with groups of children and adolescents. The workshops took place in different cities in German-speaking Europe. Based on the insights, a curriculum for the training of professionals working with or treating children and adolescents in group settings was developed, which will be translated to English within the next year. About three and a half years ago the association “Arbeitsgemeinschaft Gruppenanalyse mit Kindern und Jugendlichen (GaKiJu)“ was founded and the number of its members is rapidly growing. You can find our homepage here:

At our last AGM the association decided to organize an international workshop on group analysis with children and adolescents in Berlin from 10 to 12 September 2021. We would be delighted to welcome you or representatives of your association at this workshop which will take place in English. Please, see the attached call for papers.

Friday, 10 September 2021

3.30-5.00 p.m. Large group

5.30-7.00 p.m. Parallel working groups I

7.15-8.00 p.m. Lecture

Saturday, 11 September 2021

9.00-10.30 a.m. Parallel working groups II

11.00-12.30 a.m. Panel discussion

2.00-3.30 p.m. Large group

4.00-5.30 p.m. Parallel working groups III

Sunday, 12 September 2021

9.00-10.30 a.m. Parallel working groups IV

11.00-12.30 a.m. Large group

Yours respectfully,
The organizing team

Thomas Jung, Kadir Kaynak, Furi Khabirpour, Robert Mayerle, Franziska Schöpfer, Katrin Stumptner, Matthias Wenck

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